One down, a couple to go. For now.
As I’ve written before, I have chosen in this new career upon which I have embarked, to work to certify myself and get educated in the areas and subjects specific to my job. When I was a Broadcast Engineer, this meant becoming certified by the Society of Broadcast Engineers as, eventually, a Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer (CPBE).
In my new job, this means taking on a few certifications / credentials. Recently, I completed (finally!) the coursework and exams to earn my FMP credential from the International Facility Management Association. The coursework for this one covers a little of everything from basic facility operation through commercial real estate strategy and management to leadership and ethics. So now I get to put those letters, ‘FMP’ behind my name – not a big deal to most people. Hugely a big deal to many in my new industry.
The Road Trip that I’ll be embarking on soon will take me to the next one – year one of Venue Management School (VMS) from the International Association of Venue Managers. I recently received my pre-reading and homework assignments for VMS. At least I have something now to keep me busy in the evenings leading up to school. All the evenings … 20 dense seminars packed in to five days, plus networking events, activity events, venue tours and plenty more also indicate that getting a good night’s sleep each night while I’m at school won’t be a problem.
In my spare time, I’m also working on upgrading my Tridium Niagara AX certification I earned last year to cover Tridium Niagara 4. Niagara is the building management and control system we’ve chosen to install in the buildings I help take care of at Portland’5. We’ll be upgrading to Niagara 4 in the next couple of years, so a couple of us are getting updated on the changes.
All of this goes along with a series of continuing employer-based learning programs, some mandated, some not, that I attend on a regular basis around Metro as well.
Gotta run – study hall opens in 20 minutes …..